Alright guv'ner, apples and pears, fancy a jellied eel mate?
Today, one of my oldest friends from University (that's how long I have known her - it must be at least 40 years, but feels longer), said she was coming up for the weekend. Josephine lives in London (a suburb called Richmond actually, which is just down the road from my London house), hence the jellied eels milarky. Anyway, whilst planning the weekend, we decided that we were going to have a 'sleepover' at my house for her daughter Tilda, and little Izzy W.
Now, I am long enough in the tooth to know that sleepovers with 3-4 year olds cannot be taken lightly. They need to be planned with military precision and hence, at 8.30am on Saturday morning I was having my morning cup of tea and working out all the purchases that were necessary to make the aforementioned sleepover a success.
At 9.30am (check) exactly, I was entering the Laura Ashley store in Summertown where I procured two emergency 'Ballerina' duvet sets and a string of light-up hearts.
Then at 10.45am (check) exactly, I was entering the Next store in Cowley where I managed to procure two emergency sets of matching pyjamas. It wasn't the most pleasant experience because there was a half price sale on, so getting the job done was a bit of a scrum. But 'hey' I say, you have to take the rough with the smooth with these sleepovers.
Finally, at 11.20am (check), I arrived at Marks and Spencer's Simply Food to replenish my teabag (for Josephine and I, not the children) and Smoothie supplies.
Then at 11.50am, my mobile started ringing, the screen flashing '
southern git calling'. "Hi ug, what you up to?" I asked upon answering.
"I am outside your house you northern numpty, where are you?" she replied.
"Eek, I'm two minutes away, hang on." I shouted and hung up.
Sure enough, I arrived home and there was Josephine and Tilda waiting in their Chelsea tractor.
I greeted Josephine by shouting, "where are my freebies?" [
Josephine is one of the top bods in House and Garden magazine]
"Here," she said, flinging me the last six month's worth, of copies of the magazine.
"Great, let's go to the park," I said, scrabbling around the gravel on my drive to gather up my booty.
"Cool, sounds like a plan," she replied.
Pic. No. 1 (from left, Josephine, Izzy and Tilda)
Pic. No. 2. Izzy and Tilda scale Forest Hill's equivalent of Everest, which is actually just a plank with blobs stuck to it.
After several hours entertaining children, Josephine announced; "I am bloody hungry, let's go and get some food."
"Sounds like a plan," I replied, "and I know just the place".
Shortly after 6pm we arrived at the Bat and Ball pub in Cuddesdon, a picturesque village not far from where I live.
Pic. No. 3 The Bat and Ball Inn, Cuddesdon
We selected a nice table in the corner of the bar area and ordered (not very adventurously as it seems at first sight), a burger each. But don't be fooled. These burgers were 'gourmet burgers' and Josephine's was adorned with bacon and cheddar, and mine stilton and field mushroom. Scrumptious.
Pic. No. 5. Izzy, Tilda, two matching Ballerina duvets, a set of 'heart lights', and (kind of) matching cow pyjamas.
You will be happy to know that Izzy and Tilda were so happy with their 'new stuff', that they spent the next three hours jumping vigorously from bed to bed in celebration............ I kid you not. In the end, we had to bribe them to sleep by putting a DVD player in their room for a premier of a cartoon called 'Anastacia'.
It got to 10.30pm and I turned to Josephine and said, "blimey, those two have made me cream-crackered, what about you?"
"The only thing that is keeping me alive is the thought that you may have a glass of wine for me to chill out with," she said wearily.
"Brilliant idea," I said and before she could say, "don't tell Dave [her partner] though."............

I had published these guilty-looking pictures of her with a glass of wine. Bad Josephine.

Ha ha! If you pay me £50 I won't tell anyone about it............... ! wink wink!