As always, I hadn't exactly planned the trip in great detail, but Andy Cooper had given me one explicit instruction - we HAD to be there are midday to fit in with Oliver's feeding and sleeps. Luckily Phil had heard me say this when I was on the phone to Andy, and decided to do his stuff because, unlike me, he hates being late.
At 10.15am, my phone bleeped a text message at me. It was from Phil and said:
"I have just multi-mapped Bristol and we will prob need to set off at 10.25am to get there on time assuming there is no traffic, which I doubt there will be on a Saturday"
I replied (and it took me 5 minutes because I am so slow at texting):
"Stop stalking me"
He replied (and it took him 3 seconds because he texts like a teenaged girl):
"As if!....... stalking is soooooo last year. We are now called non rhetorical friends"
Brilliant. everything was organised. All I had to do was drop Naughty George with Juan. But don't go thinking that Juan is thoughtful because he only agreed to look after NG if I bought him a chocolate eclair next week.

At long last, and at five weeks old, we got to meet Oliver Benjamin Cooper for the first time! Forget 'skinned rabbit', he is one cute baby, plus he was soooooo tiny, he was almost unfeasible.

We decided to get out and do something. The only thing was, it had to be 'baby' friendly, so the normal karting, mountain climbing or wind surfing were ruled out pretty quickly and replaced with 'a walk in the park'.

Phil immediately started complaining that God wouldn't have invented engines if we were supposed to use our legs, then quickly moved onto the lack of adrenaline involved in 'park walking'. I needed to divert his attention from walking, and fast.
I suggested "How about we all go for lunch?" knowing that Phil is always distracted from anything once food in mentioned.
"We are already on our way to a mediterranean restaurant" Poops said, pre-empting the whole scenario (it was probably all mapped out before our arrival - Poops is good like that).

Good grief. Poops and Chris. You know how to pick a restaurant. The food was superb - really fresh cous cous, salads and olive bread, and the main courses were better than a Baumhaus sideboard. Then Becks took another opportunity to cuddle Oliver, although he doesn't look that comfortable to me. He seems to be slithering under the table in fact, whilst Becks is perfecting her 'natural sideways glance'.

Once lunch was over, we decided to drive across Bristol to visit Costco, the wholesale supermarket. Phil and Becky just love it because they sell Jumbo hotdogs and coke for £1.49. They would never become food critics, because they judge food on it's price rather than it's flavour, and quantity always beats quality. Bloody heathens.

We were en-route, when suddenly Poops shouted, "Look over there - it's the SS Victory!"
"What's that?" I shouted back, "a famous ship" Poops yelled, even though we were sat next to each other on the back seat. In attempt to catch an image of the famous ship, I leant out of the window and took a photograph. Unfortunately my timing wasn't the best, as you can see from the photograph above (I was in a moving car!). I do hope that the comedy 'leg behind the tree' compensates a little bit for the lack of heroic warship.

P.S. I forgot to mention that Chris' brother is in really funky band called Dr Meaker. I bought the album it is that good. They played at Glastonbury, and we are going to see them in concert soon. Hurray!