She seemed to think it was highly amusing anyway. I may blow the picture up so that it is 1m x 2m and hang it in reception at Baumhaus. That would be motivational for the troops (!).
After a chilled morning in the garden finishing off some Baumhaus work that Phil had got stuck with, Clare and I began deliberating about what we could do in the afternoon ........ uuuummm ......... aahhh.
"How about going out for a spot of lunch?" Clare suggested.
"Be rude not to," I replied, "and how about a bit of gadget shopping afterwards?"
"Sounds like a plan worthy of a king!" said Clare.
We set off, aircon on full blast, to a restaurant called Panera (Bread) which is famous for its freshly baked bread, sandwiches, soups and salads. Ooh lovely, and even better because we bagged a table al fresco.
It was so tasty, that we had nearly eaten everything by the time the picture below was taken, and you can just see my leg in the bottom left hand corner. My nickname is Stilton because I am white with blue veins. That's why I normally wear long trousers.

Beause of my nickname, Clare took a picture of me outside to prove that I had actually ventured into the sunshine, and the amazing thing was, that I didn't turn into a bad gremlin like I had anticipated.

I then managed to get a shot of Clare at lunch, but she is so awfully rude sometimes. I have tried to train her on numerous occasions, but I think she may be a bit feral.
Lunch over, it was time for some serious gadget shopping. So what do you think that the 'gadget de jeur' was? You might have noticed that I have been whinging about the fact that all my blog photographs have been substandard for the last month. So of course, without further ado, we jumped in the car to go and buy a digital camera. We went to one of those ENORMOUS supermarkets (Target) that they have in America, and I managed to get a shot of the ridiculous number of checkouts that they have.
Was my mission successful? I know that you are on the edge of your seat rooting for me. Well, I am happy to report that it jolly well was. Please let me introduce my Casio Exilim EX-Z29 10.1 mega pixel camera. It was $129.00, but I am not sure what cameras usually cost, so am not entirely sure it was a bargain. Please could digital camera experts send their answers on a postcard........
The only thing that I am not too chuffed about is the fact that it is pink, but unfortunately, it was the only colour that they had in stock. I am seriously considering tippexing (youngsters probably won't know what that is, which gives away my age a bit!) over the pink bits over to avoid any further embarrassment.
Anyway, as I write this, I am sure that you will be pleased to know that I am by the pool again, listening to the water trickle down the waterfall.

"But we had that last night!" I protested.
"Well have a sandwich instead then," she replied. It's a disgrace. She's the hostess with the leastess! ;-)